Billy Wookyoung Hong Apps

School Vocabulary Game for 2nd 070720151
Simple word guessing game for children. App reads text for child.User can set child name and start message. Small app specificallyfocused to improve vocabulary performance.Words are picked fromEnchanted learning site. Used learner's dictionary byMerriam-Webster and google. What's better than other apps : there'ssmall things - TTS feature used. Phone voice reads text ofdefinition and sample sentence. - Also app mentions child's namewhen each word cleared - Even there's nothing really appealingabove, this app has it's own list of words, that makes it worth togo over once. Please feedback so I can improve. Any suggestions arewelcome.
EEG reader 4 NeuroSky Mindwave Nov2018
Light weight and solid. Shows connection andsignals as is from device. I found this I can address connectionproblem more easily. Also it reads attention and meditation numberin 0-10 scale by user selected time. Thanks to text-to-speechtechnology. So I can concentrate on my meditation without lookinginto user can track progress. Stores attention & meditation readinto local database. These attention & meditation read can beposted into facebook personal wall or dedicated group. Please enteryour read on our group "EEG reader 4 NeuroSky Mindwave"
One Click Weather - fast 20150505
Simple Weather app. One click to open theappis all you need.Hourly(3hour interval) forecast loadedatbackground.Weather source from National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD)RESTWeb ServicePlease rate & review. I promise to apply request whatevercomes.Image cachingfunction added. It made app so fast that everything loads inonesecond. 16 days forecast shows.
Repeated Text reading 21-Sep-2015
You can enter your chanting. verses. thenletphone read for you again & again till you calm, annoyed,ormemorized. This is a simple tool, getting benefit from it is uptoyou.
들으면서 하는 108배 Oct2018-3
영문은 현각스님 번역분이 디폴트로 다운되고 사용자가 파일을 수정하여 사용할 수 있도록 오픈 되어 있습니다. 기존절운동앱들과 차이점은 사용자가 글을 바꿀 수 있는 점과 절간격을 미세조절할 있습니다.